About the Clinic
Welcome to Apple Family Dental Care practice of doctor, Jose “Tata” Machado opened in 1993. Our beautiful clinic then relocated in 2010 to the Southeast corner of 144th and Pacific. We also have two other amazing doctors at our office. Dr. Terry Strawhecker and Dr. Mace Bogard. Both Dr. Machado and Dr. Strawhecker have been practicing together since 1997, and Dr. Bogard is our newest addition to our team! He has been a patient at our office since the age of 4! We have a team of 4 hygienists, 4 assistants, and a front desk that you are sure to remember. Our elegant welcome room is spacious, and each patient room is state of the art with a comfortable reclining chair and a window view. At Apple Family Dental Care, we take pride in our treatment, and we hope that you will come take a look at the NEW AGE OF DENTAL COMFORT! Se Habla Español!
MON 8:00AM - 5:00PM
TUES 8:00AM - 5:00PM
WED 8:00AM - 4:00PM
THURS 8:00AM - 5:00PM
FRI 8:00AM - Noon
Closed SAT and SUN
At Apple Family Dental Care we take great pride in successful results and satisfied patients. Here is what a few of our patients have had to say about their experience with our team. We love it when our patients share their experiences with their family and friends. We would love to hear about your experiences. Please consider reviewing our office and our doctors on our Google Plus page.
These are testimonials that have been posted on Yelp, Angie's list, wellness.com and other sites of the equivalent.
"Great dentists"
"They don't make you wait at all, and are very gentle when cleaning your teeth!"
“Dr. Bogard was very friendly and had me in and out for a filling in 30 min!”
"Very competent staff"
"I am a patient of Dr. Tata Machado and like his personality and care a lot. I like the hygienists, too. The office is very pleasant and attractive."
"The best experience"
"The office is beautiful, the front desk assistants are so helpful and explain everything thoroughly, the hygienists are delightful & Dr. Strawhecker is a gem! I highly recommend this office!"
Meet Our Team!

Dr. Jose "Tata" Machado
Dr. Machado has been practicing dentistry in Omaha for 32 years. He earned his Bachelors of Science at the University of Omaha where he was also a key member of their football team. Tata then went on to graduate from dental school at Creighton University in 1987. Dr. Machado has earned respect from his peers for his quality dental work and his broad knowledge of orthodontic treatment. Tata is married with one son and enjoys watching him play baseball and basketball. Dr. Machado is also fluent in Spanish.
Dr. Terry Strawhecker
Dr. Strawhecker plays an integral part of the Apple Family Dental team. He was accepted into UNMC school of dentistry after his third year at UNL. He earned his doctorate of dental surgery (D.D.S.) in 1985 from UNMC. Terry and Tata have been working as a team since 1997. Dr.Strawhecker and his wife Judy have been married for more than 37 years with 2 children. In his free time, he enjoys staying physically fit by cycling, walking, and kayaking. He also enjoys following Husker volleyball. What he loves most about his job are the people he gets to work with everyday.
Dr. Mace Bogard
Dr. Bogard was born and raised in Omaha, NE. He is a recent graduate from Creighton University’s Dental College. Prior to Creighton, he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, MO. Dr. Bogard is also a recent newlywed and lives at home with his wife Jessie, and two dogs Izzy and Dory. In his free time he loves spending time with family and friends, golfing, hunting, and attending Nebraska Football and Creighton games. Dentistry has always been Dr. Bogard’s desired career. Mace is very excited to begin working and meeting new patients.
Dr.Alec Redwine
Dr. Redwine, is from Grand Island, Nebraska, graduated in Biological Systems Engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2021 and earned his DDS from UNMC College of Dentistry in 2025. He focuses on quality dental care for all, especially underserved communities, and creates a welcoming atmosphere for patient comfort. Dr. Redwine enjoys spending time with his wife, Bailey, and their dog, Gus, as well as reading, sports, traveling, volunteering, and trying new foods. Family is important to him, and he looks forward to assisting with your dental needs.
Dental Assistants
Bethany-Dr. Strawhecker’s Assistant
Bethany graduated from Iowa Western in 2017 and has been assisting at our office since 2019. She has been married to her husband for 5 years, and they have 2 dogs Rosie, Maisie, and a cat named Ollie. In her free time, she loves to see her family, and be creative doing cakes or crafts. Bethany is native to Griswold, Iowa and loves her small-town roots. What she loves most about her job, is working in a relaxed environment, and getting to know patients while helping to improve their smiles.
Nathalia-Dr. Bogard’s Assistant
Nathalia has been assisting at our office since 2019. She has been a patient since 2004 and was interested in learning how to become a dental assistant. Nathalia loves to travel, read, shop, be outdoors, and spend time with her family, friends, and dog. What she loves best about her job is getting to be a part of transforming our patients smiles, and able to help them.
Amy- Hygienist
Amy graduated from UNMC College of Dentistry in 1993 and has been working at our office since 1995. She has been married to her husband for over 30 years and has 2 daughters. Amy loves to listen to music, travel, enjoy time with family, go out to a nice restaurant, and enjoy a good movie or book. What she loves most about her job is having the opportunity to take care of families and watch them grow into adults and have families of their own.
Jami graduated from dental assisting school in 1998, and dental hygiene school in 2007. She has been with our office since 2019. Jami describes herself and her 3 sons as being part of the cast of twilight, because they are tall and pale. Jami has a unique personality; you will not forget! Her hobbies include watching dateline and listening to podcasts. Jami’s favorite part of her job is getting to floss patient’s teeth at their 6month visits.
Michelle- Hygienist
Michelle graduated from Lake Superior College of MN in 2004 and has been with our office since 2019. Michelle’s hobbies include golfing, fishing, and spending time with her husband, daughter, 3 grandchildren, and friends. She also lived in Minnesota for 19 years prior to coming to our office. Michelle’s favorite part of her job is helping people become healthier versions of themselves and working in a relaxed fun environment with doctors and staff.
Front Desk
Cassie-Office Administrator
Cassie is originally from Oakland, California and has lived in Omaha since 2017. She is our first bilingual receptionist/assistant and loves that she can communicate and translate for Spanish speaking patients. Her hobbies include watching football, doing makeup, and hanging out with friends and family. Cassie graduated from Midwest Dental Assisting School in May 2021 and has been with our office since. What she loves most about her job is being able to help and build relationships with patients and bring new ideas to better our office.
Our Services
General Dentistry
At Apple Family Dental we strive to help you maintain a healthy oral environment and a "cavity-free" smile. We will help you establish a regular routine with cleanings from our professional team of dental hygienists. At your appointment, feel free to ask questions to anyone on our team and we will work together to get you the beautiful smile you dream of and deserve.
Routine cleanings
Scaling and root planing ("heavy cleaning")
Crowns-Ask about our crown-in-one-day procedure, with the use of our Cerec Machine!
Children's dentistry
Tooth Extractions and Tooth Replacement
Our team of dentists do everything they can to help make your visit as comfortable and relaxing as possible. You will find our patient rooms to be peaceful and the staff to be very accommodating to your needs. We understand that this time can be stressful to patients and we will help you have a satisfying experience here at Apple Family Dental Care.
Tooth extractions
Cosmetic Dentistry - Orthodontics and Whitening
The shape, color and feel of you teeth are important to our team. We can help you acheive the smile that you desire with orthodontics, veneers and whitening procedures that we provide to patients on a daily basis.
Laser Whitening-Ask about our yearly specials!
Bleaching trays
Root Canals and Implants
Our team of dentists will work together with challenging cases to establish a treatment plan that fits each individual. Not every case is straight-forward and with our team approach we are able to work together to form the best option for each patient.
Root canals
Implants (Crowns and Bridges)
Complete and partial dentures
Before we get into the process of orthodontics in our office, let’s start off with what orthodontics is. Orthodontists use fixed and removable dental devices, like braces, retainers, and bands, to change the position of teeth in the mouth. They treat dental abnormalities, including: Crooked teeth, bite problems, like an overbite or an underbite. We have a few appointments that we do to get you started with ortho. The very first appointment would be a Pre Ortho Exam at no charge. In this exam the doctor evaluates your teeth, to have a better understanding of what teeth need to be moved around to better your smile. The second appointment would be records with our ortho assistant. In this appointment, our ortho assistant takes several pictures of your teeth and a Panoramic x-ray. This information is important so the doctor is able to set up a treatment plan and we can track the progress of your smile from start to finish. Records are sometimes covered under ortho insurance, but is not guaranteed. If you do not have ortho coverage, you will have to pay for the records. The last appointment would be the ortho consult with Dr. Machado at no cost. In this appointment, Dr. Machado will show you a 3D model of your teeth and explain your treatment length, and how your teeth will look once treatment is completed. He will also discuss if he recommends Invisalign or brackets for your treatment. Our office manager will then come in and talk to you about your ortho contract, and discuss if you have insurance coverage, and break down the cost and payments of your investment. Once you have made your decision, we will schedule your first otho visit to get started with your new and improved smile! We only do ortho appointments on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. If you have any questions or want to get started, you can give our office a call!

New Patient Forms
We understand that your time is very valuable and we would like to help you have a quick and comfortable appointment. We gather a health/dental history of all of our patients in order to help keep you and your family safe and for us to establish the most appropriate treatment plan for your health. Please complete all the forms below as completely as possible. All forms are sent to us electronically, once completed. Thank You!
Contact Us
*We will only use the provided information to contact you if necessary for appointments or to answer questions you may have. Thank you!
Bienvenido a nuestra oficina Apple Family Dental práctica del doctor, José Machado. Nuestra oficina se abrió por primera vez en 1993. También tenemos otros dos médicos que son muy amables y sorprendentes con su trabajo. El Dr. Terry Strawhecker ha estado practicando con el Dr. Machado desde 1997. Nuestro joven doctor, Mace Bogard fue un paciente de nosotros a los 4 años y creció en nuestra oficina. Siempre le fascinó ir a la escuela para convertirse en dentista. ¡Ahora es nuestro tercer médico en nuestra práctica! Siempre estamos aceptando nuevos pacientes y familias. Tenemos 5 higienistas en nuestra oficina que son increíble y muy amables. También tenemos 4 Asistentes de dentista que siempre trabajan duro en el lado del doctor y son muy amables. Nuestra oficina se alegra ver familias y niños venir a sus visitas. Después de la cita para sus niños, los dejamos escoger un juguete y sticker o tatuaje con nuestras recepcionistas por su gran trabajo. Si desea concertar una cita con nuestra oficina, o tiene preguntas puede llamar a nuestro número 402-896-9112 y tenemos una recepcionista que habla español. También puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a applefdc@aol.com. ¡Esperamos verlos pronto en nuestra oficina!
Ofrecemos bastantes servicios dentales para nuestros pacientes. Escuchamos a los pacientes con atención y prestamos atención a lo que quieren hacer para tener una hermosa sonrisa. Puedes ver todos los tratamientos que ofrecemos a continuación:
Limpiezas Rutinarias De Los Dientes
Coronas-Hacemos las coronas el mismo día en nuestra oficina con nuestra máquina de cerec.
Raspado y Alisado Radicular
Limpiezas De Rutina Para Niños
El puente Dental
Implantes-Coronas y Puentes
Dentadura Postiza
Carilla Dental
Blanqueamiento Dental Con Láser
Retenedores De Blanqueamiento Dental
Formas de Pagamentos
Nuestra oficina excepta diferente formas de pagamentos para sus tratamientos. Siempre mandamos los bilés en el principio del mes por correo. Aceptamos todas las tarjetas de crédito y débito excepto American Express. Pueden venir a nuestra oficina y pagar con cash, chequé o tarjeta. También pueden llamar y pagar su Bill por teléfono con su tarjeta. Ofrecemos planes de pago que pueden hacer después de un consulto con nuestra gerente de oficina. Trabajamos con Care Credit también, billes de $200 o mas tienen 6 meses no interés y billes de $1,000 o más tienen 12 meses no interés. Pueden aplicar para la tarjeta de Care Credit y no dañará su puntaje de crédito para ver si quilificas.
Aceptamos todos los planes Medicare y PPO. ¡NO ACEPTAMOS MEDICAID! Si no tienes seguro dental, eso no es un problema. Ofrecemos un descuento del 15% para pacientes sin seguro. Debes pagar el día de tu servicio, para recibir el descuento. Traiga una copia de su tarjeta de seguro a su cita. Todos los tratamientos dentales estarán preautorizados para mostrar las responsabilidades del seguro y del paciente. Se requerirá la autorización previa que muestre las responsabilidades de pago del paciente el día del servicio. Las autorizaciones previas son sólo una estimación. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que se comunique con su compañía de seguros antes de su visita para ver si estamos dentro de la red y qué cubre su plan para el tratamiento. Esto ayudará a evitar malentendidos con respecto a su responsabilidad financiera por ciertos servicios. Además, si tiene seguro, con gusto procesaremos su reclamo, pero le solicitamos que pague su parte estimada cuando se presten los servicios. ¡Gracias!